TTMJ Consortium gathered in Rome for the DFI-EFFC International Conference

The venue was the occasion to organize a Consortium Meeting as well.

Members of the TTMJ Consortium gathered in Rome University "La Sapienza" for the DFI-EFFC conference (June 5-8, 2018). The venue was the occasion to organize also a Consortium Meeting.

John Coupland made a presentation about the progress of the TTMJ development to date to D. Nicholson, C. Barker, F. Petrella and M. Musarra who are the Arup personnel who will be involved in the field trials. The aim of the presentation was to provide all the attendees with a clear overview of the project status.
The informal meeting was held in the Chiostro (cloister), just in front of the TTMJ booth.

During the three day, professionals of several nationalities stopped by the booth interested in the new method and the progress of the project.

The status of the project was also presented in the session dedicated to Diaphragm Walls, and moved great interest in the audience.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720579.


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