Great success for TTMJ at the DFI 42nd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations

The conference, held in the "Big Easy" New Orleans in October 2017, was attended by more than 900 specialists in the deep foundation industry.

The TTMJ Consortium presented the innovations on the new diaphragm wall joint system at the DFI 42nd Annual Conference on Deep Foundations in New Orleans, where more than 900 attendees networked with the largest gathering of practitioners specializing in the deep foundation industry.

A great success for the oral presentation held by John Coupland, CCMJ Systems. More than 200 attended the special lecture and learnt about the innovative project that will provide foundation specialists with the capability to deliver high quality, watertight and safe diaphragm wall joints at lower costs.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720579.


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